Marketing, mentorship and hundreds of useful resources for small business success.

"The Change Foundry exists to preserve the small business way of life and improve the day-to-day lives of small business owners."

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START a business
GROW a business
SELL a business
Life Gets Easier
when we combine our strengths with yours.
Grow a businesss that supports itself, supports you, and is easy to run.
Play to your strengths and let the business cover all it's other needs.
Become the Captain, not the entire crew.
Give yourself a promotion - and a raise!
Spend more time with family, health, hobbies and friends.
Have a saleable asset when you're ready.
Is all this possible?
Find out.
Free 1/2 Hour Consult

For established Small Businesses
and the already self employed:
Marketing and Growth

marketing video
Small Business Consulting
We commbine small business consulting with your marketing and advertising to help your business develop effective strategies and systems to capture the new leads as increased revenue and relationships with a broader customer base. This pays for our services, gives you a lifetime of knowledge and develops your business' value and functionality to a new level.
We'll set up business systems and marketing foundations FOR you. We'll also include 6 weeks to 6 months of business coaching and mentorship to grow your business together.There are hundreds of resources to choose from; backend strategies we've coollected over the years.... inside information from social, search and review sites we keep on top of...
17 Heads Are Better Than One.

Our small business revitalization services can help whole communities.
Let's work together to make your town or organization a destination.

When more of you have optimized Yelp pages, dozens of online directories each, accurate detailed GoogleMyBusiness and Google Maps pages, it lights up the whole town, firm or group when visitors, tourists, truckers, or anyone searches in your area.
Our marketing for small businesses is designed to help small business owners compete with larger companies, franchises and chains. The ideal combination is small business charm, word-of-mouth and hospitality balanced with farther-reaching tech marketing. And it's ok, you don't have to know "online directories" or "SEO" or have other technical skills. We do that for you.
Groups of a dozen or more small business owners (stores, CPA's, restaurants, attorneys, real estate agents or offices, coffee shops) can pull together, get discounts on marketing setup, and strengthen the online presence of each other.
Special Pricing for:
Legal firms and Real estate offices
Chambers of Commerce
Downtown Associations
Industry Organizations
Main St. Revitalization Projects
BNI & Networking Groups
Franchises & Chains
Business Brokers